Bridging Virginia client. Pictured is a woman with long black hair in a pink chefs shirt that says Pastry Base.

Care, Collaboration, Capital

Our team works with organizations to provide the right tools - affordable capital and technical assistance – at the right time.

With education, business support services, and knowledgeable guidance we partner with organizations through the application and beyond.


Small Businesses are eligible to apply for a Bridging Virginia loan and accompanying services if they meet the following criteria: 

Located in Virginia

Existing businesses with a history of positive cash flow. Start-ups will be considered if business has demonstrated reasonable sales and growth 

Interested in small business loans of $50,000 or less 

The above criteria is not guarantee of a loan from Bridging Virginia or any other lender.

Bridging Virginia is an Equal Opportunity Service Provider and Lender. If you need assistance to access Bridging Virginia’s services to due to Limited English Proficiency (language barriers), mobility impairments, or other needs, please let us know so we can provide the necessary accommodations.


“From the beginning, it was more than just lip service…they came through.”

A Partner and a Resource

Aiming to be a trusted partner, Bridging Virginia is here to help and work alongside organizations through the application process and beyond. Alongside our incredible partners from the public and private sectors, we can provide one-on-one assistance to support the unique and complex needs of emerging and existing small businesses and nonprofits.

    • Strategic business planning

    • Financial health analysis

    • Pre-lending support

    • Marketing

    • Sales growth

    • Resource referrals


“It has been more than just a financial resource…it’s a connection”

Supporting the Success of Our Communities

We aim to be a trusted source of collaborative leadership, community-based innovation, and innovative capital.

Bridging Virginia works to maintain ongoing formal and informal dialogues with many local groups to ensure collaboration and coordination. These valued partnerships reflect our commitment to the wellbeing and success of our communities and our clients. We are always looking to partner with mission-aligned organizations - financial institutions, CDFIs, service providers, and others.


“Bridging Virginia made things possible in a time of hardship. We don’t always get that support from financial institutions. The loan was priceless.”

Flexible Financial Solutions for Community Growth

Bridging Virginia provides loans of up to $50,000 to business owners and nonprofits needing flexible and affordable capital to support their growth and development. We prioritize listening to business owners in order to offer creative, personalized solutions with the support and flexibility they need.

    • Loan proceeds may be utilized for the following reasons: 

    • Business expansion and / or working capital 

    • New equipment or other business assets

    • Refinancing of high cost debt

    • Certain real estate transactions 

    • Business start-up costs